Exciting news!
My book, Tiny Blue Lines: Reclaiming Your Life, Preparing For Your Baby, and Moving Forward in Faith in an Unplanned Pregnancy, is on sale this month through my publisher, Ave Maria Press, for only $5!
5 dollars?! I couldn’t even buy it that for that price as the author! And while on one hand, I’m slightly embarrassed that they have to slash my book price to move it, I’m also on board because I think it’s a great opportunity to get the book in the hands of the women who need it most-young moms facing unplanned pregnancy.
Tiny Blue Lines is also a great book for:
- Pregnancy centers to use as a resource guide for staff and volunteers, as well as clients
- Pro-life organizations
- Fundraising opportunities (buy it at $5 and re-sell for more!)
- Client gifts
- Donor gifts
- Student pro-life groups
You can order the book here and if you have any questions at all, just let me know! Email me at info@chauniebrusie.com. Thank you in advance!
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