Oh, sure, breastfeeding is a great way to bond with your baby and it’s pretty much liquid gold, but when it comes to the day-to-day realities of what it’s like to feed another human being with your boobs, it ain’t always easy. Case in point:
1. The face grab.
Here, Mom, let me explore your mouth with my fingers. So fun! And what’s this, a nose?! Why yes, yes it is my nose.
2. The danger of dangly earrings.
There was a time in my life I used to love dangly earrings. Now, they just represent danger.
3. The foot-up-the-nose move.
Have you ever had five little piggies shoved up your nose? Maybe they should have all stayed home …
Read the rest over at Babble!
And here’s what else I’ve been covering:
- Encouraging Breastfeeding Is Not Formula Shaming
- 8 Myths About Stay-at-Home Moms
- 5 Benefits Of Having Siblings
Hi Chaunie!
I recently found your beautiful blog and I am a big fan!
Although it is sometimes difficult, there is nothing better than breastfeeding for baby.
To be honest, I also had to deal with small and big problems - Never Give Up!