I was standing in line at a New York City Starbucks when it happened.
Bzzz. Bzzz.
I felt the vibration of my phone through the faux-leather of my favorite yellow purse, the one sporting a mysteriously sticky stain on the outside and now bearing the remnants of breast milk from the flight over. I was in New York not because I am just that cool to randomly jet over to Manhattan at four weeks post-partum, but because I had been granted a free pass to one of the biggest blogging conferences in the nation and just couldn’t pass it up.
Ignoring my phone (which, incidentally, turns out to be the only non-smartphone in existence in New York City), I stepped up to the counter and proceeded to order myself a tall cafe mocha. With whipped cream. Just because I could.
As I waited for the barista to mix up that frothy chocolatey goodness, I casually pulled out my phone to check who on earth had bothered to email me, considering 1) my husband was busy watching our kids and 2) my mother was at a conference herself, thus thoroughly reducing my usual daily contacts.
And saw this:
Looks like we’re a go! Thank you for prayers, persistence. The team is counting on your go-to spirit combined with theirs to really make this work well!
It took me a minute to process what I was seeing.
I knew that my agent had been presenting my book that day. I knew that she was in the meeting in the morning. I knew that she had emailed me some last-minute questions the team had had about me. My mind knew these logistics, it did.
But I hadn’t allowed my mind to think, even for a minute, about the possibilty that I would hear anything back so soon, or that the news would be this…
I stumbled backwards into a chair near the counter, phone still in hand and took in the scene before me in shock. This moment, comprised of details I knew I would never forget.
The soft, cushy fabric of the hotel lobby chair enveloping me. The smoggy New York sidewalk through the window, hot dog vendors and homeless men mixed with smartly-dressed men and women striding purposefully by, scrolling furiously on their phones, the steam from the sewage vents swirling around them. Hotel guests holing up with their computers, taking advantage of free wifi in the cafe. The warm and comforting smell of espresso and steamed milk and chocolate…
“Miss? Miss?”
The irritated voice of the barista broke my reverie.
“Tall cafe mocha,” he repeated irritatedly, most likely for the 15th time, pushing the cardboard cup across the counter.
I grabbed the drink, now lukewarm, and uttered a giddy, irrelevant apology, my voice high and unnatural with excitement.
I sank back in the chair and looked around again, amazed that everything looked the same, in awe that this was really happening, wanting to memorize everything about the moment.
This moment.
The one I had dreamed about my entire life.
The one that, as of late, I had hardly allowed myself to dream about, so great was my desire to have it come true.
The moment I learned I was to become a published author.
The moment I received…my book deal.
I am so excited for this opportunity and so thankful for everyone out there who has supported me, encouraged me, and prayed for me.
I can’t wait to get started on this journey!!!!
Chaunie Marie Brusie, author.
Has a nice ring to it, don’t you think?
OH MY GOODNESS! I knew this would happen for you - and what a *perfect* moment for it. Congratulations, Chaunie!!!
Ahhhhh! So exciting!
katie says
Yay Chaunie! You deserve it!
Congratulations Chaunie! I look forward to reading it as soon as it is available! You’ve worked hard and deserve to feel this sort of joy. Blessings! 🙂
I’m not surprised, but I am extremely happy for you! Good job, Chaunie 🙂
So freaking exciting. And the scene….too perfect. Can’t wait to read it!
YAY!! Congratulations Chaunie!! I can’t wait to have a copy of your book 🙂
CONGRATULATIONS! This is the best!!!
I wish I knew you were at blogher so we could have met in person!
And I knew you when you were just (just! ha!) an FFL staffer! You’re a real success story!
Congratulations! I’ve been reading your blog for some time now and am really looking forward to your book. Happy for you!
Girl! This is great! Congratulations!!
That’s incredible Chaunie!!!! SO excited for you!!!!
YAY! Chaunie!!! You go girl!!!
Oh my goodness! I am sooooooooo happy for you! You so deserve this and you will be a WONDERFUL author. I can’t wait to see what you come up with. You were MADE for this! Hugs 🙂
I know I told you this a dozen times, but I’m SO HAPPY for you! Maybe it’s a sign that you should start making more trips to NYC. 😉 This is where dreams happen!
But what about my farm living? 😉
Yayyy! How very very very exciting! Congratulations - I’ll be one of the first to buy a copy!
eeeeek! i don’t know how I missed this until now! but congrats!!!! How exciting! 🙂 can’t wait to read it.